Trip Overview

This blog will follow two totally inexperienced bikepackers, Geoff and Cam, and their journey from Banff to Mexico via the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. The route follows the Continental Divide, exposing riders to high altitude, diverse wildlife, and solitude. To learn more about the route, check this out. Randy will be the official bookie so get in touch with him if you'd like to place a wager on how far we will actually make it.

In the mean time, you can track our progress here thanks to our SPOT device.

This will be a site where we will try our best to post some pictures and stories along the way. Happy reading!

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Cam's Set-Up:

Here is Cam's set-up:

He'll be riding a Surly Karate Monkey frame with a 1x10 drivetrain. All gear will be kept in the Ortlieb rear panniers, a small MEC frame bag, and a rig he created under his bars for his sleeping system (tent, therma rest, & bag).  No backpack because he doesn't like back sweat.

And here is his more recent set-up:
The bike is all packed up in an "Electra" box.  Here's to hoping it gets to Calgary in a similar condition.

In terms of the equipment, that'll be deferred to Geoff -- he's more of the outdoorsman on the trip.

As of right now, we're hoping for a Wednesday morning start in Banff.

1 comment:

  1. The summer of 'living through Cam' commences...Good luck men!
