Trip Overview

This blog will follow two totally inexperienced bikepackers, Geoff and Cam, and their journey from Banff to Mexico via the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. The route follows the Continental Divide, exposing riders to high altitude, diverse wildlife, and solitude. To learn more about the route, check this out. Randy will be the official bookie so get in touch with him if you'd like to place a wager on how far we will actually make it.

In the mean time, you can track our progress here thanks to our SPOT device.

This will be a site where we will try our best to post some pictures and stories along the way. Happy reading!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Things we've learnt from Montana

Okay.  So we finally finished the Montana leg of the route.  Here is a small list of things Montana has taught us:

-Always go hiking with your glock.
-Magpies are the worst.  Will sit on top of your tent and chirp at 5am.
-Full time RVers exist everywhere.
-Payphones don't exist.  And when they do, they don't work.
-Dodge drivers are very friendly.
-When hitch hiking, bring your bike.
-When reading a word, think of the weirdest way to pronounce it, then say it that way.  It will be correct.
-Mosquitoes neglect bug spray.
-Don't spill your beer.
-Geoff can communicate with Horses.
-Cameron still can't tan (dirt doesn't count).
-Never drink Coldsmoke beer.
-"Whitefish is a bunch of phonies"
-You can take a gun more places than you can take a dog.
-Friendly people exist everywhere.
-Never go to Polebridge.
-Don't eat pastrami and plan to do anything afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you two are still slaying the Divide Dragon! We tapped out at Helena: coming back next year to eat another bite of the elephant. Offer still stands if/when you find yourselves in San Diego. Beds at the house (or out on the boat) are ready any time. Happy Trails, Melani & Lorne
